Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Caterpillar — photo, sketch: brush and ink

During Christmas lunch a caterpillar, assumably  hungry, was found creeping along the table...  Naturally I took a photo.

Monday, December 26, 2011

Sketchbook project, 'nothing new' coke can — sketch: watercolour, watercolour pencil, ink nib

Sketchbook project, 'nothing new' coke can — sketch: pencil, brush and ink

Sketchbook project, 'nothing new' coke can — sketch: brush and ink

Sketchbook project, 'nothing new' coke can — sketch: watercolour pencil, brush and nib

Sketchbook project, 'nothing new' coke can — sketch: watercolour, pencil, brush and ink

After some stalling I am finally back onto the 'sketchbook project' and with a January deadline looming it's just as well. Some time ago while pondering what to fill my sketchbook with I stumbled across a disheveled coke can lying on the road. A beautifully mundane, worn object that's a pleasure to draw- one's trash is another's treasure. (Found Can blog entry)

Dead flower — sketch: watercolour, watercolour pencil, brush and ink

Dead flower — sketch: watercolour pencil, ink nib

Dead flower — sketch: brush and ink

Dead flower — sketch: brush and ink

Hibiscus flower: Photo study



Bird: watercolour, brush and ink

For Kirsty and Anthony.